Jumaat, 18 Januari 2013 @ Jumaat, Januari 18, 2013
Assalamualaikum...Demam GDA melanda Malaysia since Isnin lagi...Kpoppers2 berkampung secara berjemaah di KLIA untuk sambut kedatangan artis Korea...Haii untunglah..Kalu aku dok KL, dpt pegi tgk kat KLIA pun dah kire bertuah...Dan sesungguhnya aku sgtlah jeles dgn pakcik2 polis yg dok escort diorang tu...Siap boleh pegang lagi...#Mental breakdown!!!#...Nak rase pi menyamar jd polis tu...#asdfghjkl#...FANCAM BEAST kat KLIA

Sekitar suasana di KLIA...

Untunglah makcik2 & pakcik2 polis jumpe artis GDA...

Dah gaye penjenayah je Yoseob...LOL~~
BEAST dan konco2 diorang nek flight first, hari isnin sbb diorang perform hari Selase...Lagi2 diorang yg perform sekali dgn BEAST, CNBLUE, FT ISLAND, INFINITE, BIA4, 4MINUTE & ade lagilah...Hoilaahh...Kalu aku ade kat situ, rase pengsan dah sbb excited sgt...Disebabkan tak dapat pegi, aku cubelah cari live streaming GDA #Sbb dah tak boleh tunggu keluar kt YouTube#...Jumpe satu kat Twitter...Kejahatan aku terserlah bile aku berjaye menghasut roomie aku semua yg tgh study dok join tgk sekali...Mmg semua jerit excited gilak2...#Nampaklah kejakunan aku terserlah kat situ#...

Sekitar suasana Red Carpet GDA

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SUJU...the same trademark...
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Sape2 rase nak tgk performance mlm ni boleh pegi sini...LIVE STREAMING GDA...Walaupun tak nampak jelas sgt tapi dengarlah suare...pon bolehlah daripade xdngar lgsung...Here is BEAST'S Red Carpet interview YouTube ...And here is BEAST-SPECIAL...They are so cool that I feel so, mcm nak pergi terus ke GDA...#asdfghjkl...And this is BEAST - BEAUTIFUL NIGHT...The video kind of look blur cause this is fancam...Sabar tunggu YouTube upload the official link for GDA....Kyaaa!!!! #Overexcited#
BEAST hanye dpt perform 2 lagu instead of three, Special & Beautiful Night...Fiction diremoved drp songlist sbb kekangan waktu padahal group lain nyanyi 3-4 lagu...#asdfghjkl...Twitter update [INFO] Gikwang ripped his pants when he was performing then Doojoon said its because he dance too hard thats why he had to left immediately and came back again like nothing happened. LOL~~IDK when this is happening tapi rasenye bkn time lagu Special...
BEAST menang 3 anugerah last night...GDA Album Division Award : Midnight Sun, JTBS Best Artist Award, Bonsang Award, Best Dance Performance : Troublemaker Hyunseung & Hyuna...As a BEAUTY, I'm proud of them...Hope they will Daesang Award soon...
BEAST won Bonsang Award with Kara...Watch this...The two loving couple Hara & Junyung received the same award...Haaa, so sweet...
BEAST won Bonsang Award...Congratsss...
#Tak senonoh btul pose Yoseob#
Satu lagi yang aku rase mcm nak nangis sebaldi bile Nazim Othman dapat bergambar dgn BEAST..Mmg Kpoppers tegar die nihh...Pegilah mane2 konsert K-pop, mesti die ade...Hailahhh, untunglah...Tapi die kate die tak pegi pun GDA tu...Maybe die jumpe diorang kt hotel kot...Yelah, die pon artis,..Senanglah nak deal jumpe diorang...Die siap kate lagi "Yoseob was so cool & friendly...i'm such a happy fan"...Bile aku boleh cakap mcm tu eh???

Here's the official winner untuk GDA mlm tadi...

And T-ara, Ailee, Sistar, Secret and ade lagi beberape artis akan perform mlm ni...So stay tuned to GDA and watch them live...


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Untunglah makcik2 & pakcik2 polis jumpe artis GDA...

Dah gaye penjenayah je Yoseob...LOL~~
BEAST dan konco2 diorang nek flight first, hari isnin sbb diorang perform hari Selase...Lagi2 diorang yg perform sekali dgn BEAST, CNBLUE, FT ISLAND, INFINITE, BIA4, 4MINUTE & ade lagilah...Hoilaahh...Kalu aku ade kat situ, rase pengsan dah sbb excited sgt...Disebabkan tak dapat pegi, aku cubelah cari live streaming GDA #Sbb dah tak boleh tunggu keluar kt YouTube#...Jumpe satu kat Twitter...Kejahatan aku terserlah bile aku berjaye menghasut roomie aku semua yg tgh study dok join tgk sekali...Mmg semua jerit excited gilak2...#Nampaklah kejakunan aku terserlah kat situ#...

Sekitar suasana Red Carpet GDA

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SUJU...the same trademark...
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Sape2 rase nak tgk performance mlm ni boleh pegi sini...LIVE STREAMING GDA...Walaupun tak nampak jelas sgt tapi dengarlah suare...pon bolehlah daripade xdngar lgsung...Here is BEAST'S Red Carpet interview YouTube ...And here is BEAST-SPECIAL...They are so cool that I feel so, mcm nak pergi terus ke GDA...#asdfghjkl...And this is BEAST - BEAUTIFUL NIGHT...The video kind of look blur cause this is fancam...Sabar tunggu YouTube upload the official link for GDA....Kyaaa!!!! #Overexcited#
BEAST hanye dpt perform 2 lagu instead of three, Special & Beautiful Night...Fiction diremoved drp songlist sbb kekangan waktu padahal group lain nyanyi 3-4 lagu...#asdfghjkl...Twitter update [INFO] Gikwang ripped his pants when he was performing then Doojoon said its because he dance too hard thats why he had to left immediately and came back again like nothing happened. LOL~~IDK when this is happening tapi rasenye bkn time lagu Special...
BEAST menang 3 anugerah last night...GDA Album Division Award : Midnight Sun, JTBS Best Artist Award, Bonsang Award, Best Dance Performance : Troublemaker Hyunseung & Hyuna...As a BEAUTY, I'm proud of them...Hope they will Daesang Award soon...
BEAST won Bonsang Award with Kara...Watch this...The two loving couple Hara & Junyung received the same award...Haaa, so sweet...
BEAST won Bonsang Award...Congratsss...
#Tak senonoh btul pose Yoseob#
Satu lagi yang aku rase mcm nak nangis sebaldi bile Nazim Othman dapat bergambar dgn BEAST..Mmg Kpoppers tegar die nihh...Pegilah mane2 konsert K-pop, mesti die ade...Hailahhh, untunglah...Tapi die kate die tak pegi pun GDA tu...Maybe die jumpe diorang kt hotel kot...Yelah, die pon artis,..Senanglah nak deal jumpe diorang...Die siap kate lagi "Yoseob was so cool & friendly...i'm such a happy fan"...Bile aku boleh cakap mcm tu eh???

Here's the official winner untuk GDA mlm tadi...

And T-ara, Ailee, Sistar, Secret and ade lagi beberape artis akan perform mlm ni...So stay tuned to GDA and watch them live...


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